Signs & Graphics
Specializing in Mom & Pop branding!
You don't need to be a big corporation to get a complete branded look. With over 35 years in the sign industry and semi-retired, we can take the time to help you design everything from your business logo, interior and exterior signs, menus, business cards, novelty branding, extensive digital file services, graphic consulting and more, to fit within your budget.

Contraptions, Gifts & Novelties
A memory is worth many thoughts.
A belly laugh is worth many chuckles.
Besides signage, we also specialize in the things that are different, personalized, unique, or just plain weird. Need ideas to fit your budget? Ask us and we'll figure something out that fits. There's plenty of secrets we know to making inexpensive things look expensive.

Looks Like Neon,
but it's not.
"I can't believe it's not neon!"
New! An incredibly bright 12 volt interior LED product that mimics real neon. And it's also dimmable. Made to resemble traditional neon with bend-arounds, endcaps, block-out paint, and other trade secrets. Get a neon look abstract based on your file for a brilliant wall hanging!